
구글맵 스트리트뷰 영상 갱신(A bonus batch of Street View imagery)

하늘이푸른오늘 2009. 10. 13. 10:36
10월 8일자 구글 LatLong 블로그 소식입니다. 엊그제 캐나다와 체코에서 스트리트뷰(Street View)를 지원하기 시작했다는 소식을 전해드렸는데요, 미쿡, 일본 등에서 스트리트뷰 영상을 갱신했다는 내용입니다.

먼저 미국에서는 캘리포니아(California), 콜로라도(Colorado), 텍사스(Texas), 펜실바니아(Pennsylvania), 워싱턴 DC, 플로리다(Florida), 뉴욕(New York) 주가 업데이트 되었다고 합니다.

주로 맨처음 촬영되었던 지역인 듯 합니다. 스트리트뷰가 맨처음 나온 게 2007년 5월말이었으니까 거의 2년만에 갱신된 것 같습니다.

그런데, 제 기억으로는 뉴욕시와 샌프란시스코시 등은 중간에 한번쯤 갱신되었던 걸로 기억합니다. 대략 주요도시는 1년마다 한번, 기타 사람들이 많이 사는 주는 2년마다 한번 정도 업데이트 하는 정도로 보면 되지 않을까 싶네요.

그리고... 일본에서는 스트리트뷰 파트너 프로그램을 통해서 유명 관광지 10개가 스트리트뷰에 추가되었다는 내용이 있습니다. 아래는 네덜란드를 테마로 한 Huis Ten Bosch 테마파크의 모습입니다.

그러고 보니까... 다음 로드뷰도 곧 업데이트 될 거라고 들었는데... 언제쯤 서울시내 구석구석을 돌아볼 수 있을지... 그래서 우리 집도 볼 수 있게 될지 궁금하네요.

민, 푸른하늘
Thursday, October 8, 2009 at 2:50 PM

Yesterday we announced that Street View imagery is now available for more than 11 cities across Canada, as well as in the Czech Republic. It is always exciting to bring Street View to a new country and hear from all the folks who have been eagerly awaiting it -- the news proved so popular that global traffic to Street View doubled yesterday and there were 28 million views of Canadian images yesterday (nearly as many views as Canadians!). You can see what all our partners had to say and see pictures from the launch event on the @GoogleCanada Twitter account.

But another priority is to refresh and extend our coverage in places we've already been. Now that you've hopefully had the chance to explore some of the stunning new images, we also wanted to point out some updates to the United States and Japan that got a little lost in yesterday's new country excitement. We added new high-resolution imagery in several areas across the US, and have launched several special destinations in Japan through the Street View Partner Program.

We've updated our coverage in New York City, bringing you newer and more high-quality imagery. You can see the newly restored Guggenheim Museum, or take a look at the unique architecture of the Flatiron Building. I'm a big baseball fan, so I'm especially excited that we have the brand-new Yankee Stadium featured in Street View, just in time for the playoffs (go Yankees!):

We've also expanded our coverage around the Washington, DC metropolitan region, which is where I grew up. Now I can take a trip down memory lane by checking out the park where my dad taught me to play catch or wandering the streets of Old Town Alexandria. DC also has a new baseball stadium for the Nationals, which you can now see in Street View:

You'll also find updates here in San Francisco:

There are areas of new imagery across California, Colorado, Texas, Pennsylvania, DC, Florida, and New York. Not all areas in these places have been updated, but we're still hard at work.

In Japan, with our Street View Partner Program, we've been able to add images of 10 popular tourist destinations and special attractions, such as the Sapporo Maruyama Zoo:

For a really global experience, tour around Huis Ten Bosch, a theme park in Japan modeled as a Dutch village: