10월 21일자 구글 LatLong 블로그 소식입니다. 지난 6월에 시작된 구글 스케치업 대피소 디자인 콘테스트의 당선작을 알리는 내용입니다.
구글 스케치업 대피소 디자인 콘테스트는 올해 개관 50주년을 맞는 구겐하임 박물관을 설계한 프랭크 로이드 라이트(Frank Lloyd Wright)를 기념하여 구글과 구겐하임 박물관이 공동으로 개최한 디자인 콘테스트입니다.
수상작은 두가지가 있습니다. 먼저 인기상(The People's Prize)은 프랭크 로이드 라이트 건축학교(the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture) 재학생들이 10의 예비후보를 고르고, 콘테스트 웹사이트에서 투표를 하여 선정한 당선작입니다.
심사단 상(The Juried Prize)은 건축 디자인 전문가 패널(panel) 분들께서 모든 콘테스트 참가작중에서 선정한 당선작이고요.
아래는 인기상을 받은 CBS – Cork Block Shelter 입니다.
아래 작품은 심사단 상을 받은 SeaShelter입니다.
상을 받은 팀은 뉴욕으로 초청을 받아, 구겐하임 박물관과 뉴욕 구글 사무실, 기타 여러가지 박물관을 방문할 예정이라고 하네요.
민, 푸른하늘
Wednesday, October 21, 2009 at 2:45 PM
Aidan Chopra, SketchUp Evangelist
[Cross-posted from the Official Google SketchUp Blog]
Earlier this year, we teamed up with the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum to launch the Design It: Shelter Competition. People all over the world were invited to use Google SketchUp to design small buildings and submit them for consideration. We received over 600 entries from 68 countries – the level of participation was astounding. You can check out all the entries on the Guggenheim website.
Two prizes were offered: the People's Prize and the Juried Prize. To determine the winner of the People's Prize, students from the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture winnowed down the entries to a list of ten finalists. Visitors to the Guggenheim website could vote for their favorite; the shelter with the most votes won. A jury of seven experts selected the winner of the Juried Prize.
Here's a video that announces the winners and talks a little bit about them:
구글 스케치업 대피소 디자인 콘테스트는 올해 개관 50주년을 맞는 구겐하임 박물관을 설계한 프랭크 로이드 라이트(Frank Lloyd Wright)를 기념하여 구글과 구겐하임 박물관이 공동으로 개최한 디자인 콘테스트입니다.
수상작은 두가지가 있습니다. 먼저 인기상(The People's Prize)은 프랭크 로이드 라이트 건축학교(the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture) 재학생들이 10의 예비후보를 고르고, 콘테스트 웹사이트에서 투표를 하여 선정한 당선작입니다.
심사단 상(The Juried Prize)은 건축 디자인 전문가 패널(panel) 분들께서 모든 콘테스트 참가작중에서 선정한 당선작이고요.
아래는 인기상을 받은 CBS – Cork Block Shelter 입니다.
아래 작품은 심사단 상을 받은 SeaShelter입니다.
상을 받은 팀은 뉴욕으로 초청을 받아, 구겐하임 박물관과 뉴욕 구글 사무실, 기타 여러가지 박물관을 방문할 예정이라고 하네요.
민, 푸른하늘
Wednesday, October 21, 2009 at 2:45 PM
Aidan Chopra, SketchUp Evangelist
[Cross-posted from the Official Google SketchUp Blog]
Earlier this year, we teamed up with the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum to launch the Design It: Shelter Competition. People all over the world were invited to use Google SketchUp to design small buildings and submit them for consideration. We received over 600 entries from 68 countries – the level of participation was astounding. You can check out all the entries on the Guggenheim website.
Two prizes were offered: the People's Prize and the Juried Prize. To determine the winner of the People's Prize, students from the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture winnowed down the entries to a list of ten finalists. Visitors to the Guggenheim website could vote for their favorite; the shelter with the most votes won. A jury of seven experts selected the winner of the Juried Prize.
Here's a video that announces the winners and talks a little bit about them:
The People's Prize
The winner of the People's Prize is the CBS – Cork Block Shelter
by David Mares of Setúbal, Portugal
====The winner of the People's Prize is the CBS – Cork Block Shelter
by David Mares of Setúbal, Portugal
The Juried Prize
The winner of the Juried Prize is the SeaShelter
by David Eltang of Aarhus, Denmark.
The winner of the Juried Prize is the SeaShelter
by David Eltang of Aarhus, Denmark.
of the winners will receive transportation to New York City for two
people, accommodation for two nights, "backstage" tours of both the
Guggenheim Museum and our New York Google office, and free admission to
a number of other NYC museums. The Juried Prize winner will also
receive a check for one thousand dollars.
Congratulations to the finalists and to the winners. Thank you to everyone who submitted a design, and thanks to everyone who voted.
Congratulations to the finalists and to the winners. Thank you to everyone who submitted a design, and thanks to everyone who voted.