10월 12일자 구글 LatLong 블로그 소식입니다. 구글에서 약간은 특이한 프로그래밍 경연대회, 코드잼(codejam)을 연다는 소식입니다.
이 프로그래밍 경연대회의 이름은 Random Hacks of Kindness로서 세계은행(The World Bank)와 공동으로 진행한다고 하며, 구글맵(Google Maps)와 기타 여러가지 기술을 동원하여 대규모 재난이 발생했을 때, 인명 구조나 물자 배송 등등 어떤 분야던지 유용하게 사용할 수 있는 프로그램을 개발하면 된다고 합니다.
개최 장소는 구글 본사와 멀지 않은 곳에 있는 Hacker Dojo란 곳이며, 개최일은 11월 12-14일 입니다. 보다 자세한 내용은 www.randomhacksofkindness.org에서 알아 보실 수 있습니다. 재해재난에 도움이 되어야 한다는 목적상 이번 "Random Hacks of Kindness" 경연대회는 1회성이 아니고, 앞으로 6개월, 12개월마다 반복해서 개최할 예정이라고 하며, 그 동안 새로운 기술을 교환하고, 실무에서 적용한 결과를 토론하는 등의 자리가 될 것이라고 합니다.
흠... 지도도 좀 알아야 하고, 프로그램도 좀 잘 짜야할 것 같고... 한 10년만 젊었으면 저도 한번 도전해 보고 싶다는...
민, 푸른하늘
Monday, October 12, 2009 at 5:43 PM
Posted by Jeff Martin, Google Crisis Response Team
We've posted several blogs about the various ways Google geo tools have contributed to disaster relief efforts. Last year, Direct Relief created a KML of health centers in the wake of Cyclone Nargis. More recently, UNOSAT used Map Maker data during the western Africa floods.
technologies may be central to understanding and responding to
disasters, but many other technologies--such data-feed mechanisms,
people finders, and reporting & communication tools--are necessary
as well. With this in mind, we're partnering with The World Bank to
host the first-ever Random Hacks of Kindness codejam.
The ultimate goal of Random Hacks of Kindness is to save lives. Random Hacks of Kindness will bring technologists and relief workers together to develop technologies that enable disaster victims to help themselves and give first responders and aid workers the tools they need to better help victims--to reduce loss of life and to speed recovery.
Over the course of two and a half days, speakers like FEMA Chief Craig Fugate will expound on the mission, subject matter experts will brief self-organized teams on specific problems, a great deal of coffee will be consumed, and code will be written. Teams will have the opportunity to port their solutions down to Camp Roberts near Paso Robles, CA, where it will be tested in field simulations to provide real-time feedback for multiple iteration cycles.
We hope RHoK generates software solutions that help users predict, prevent, and respond to disasters—but, realistically, we know that coding over a single weekend is only a start. That’s why the codejam in November is the first RHoK, but not the last. In and effort to encourage the developer community to adopt disaster response as a mission, we’ll hold a RHoK event every six to twelve months—sharing learnings from actual events, building on ongoing efforts, and collaborating on promising new technologies.
Join us! The codejam will take place from November 12-14 at the Hacker Dojo, located in Mountain View, CA. Invitations to developers will go out shortly, so if you're interested in coding, serving as a subject matter expert, or sponsoring the event, please visit www.randomhacksofkindness.org.
====The ultimate goal of Random Hacks of Kindness is to save lives. Random Hacks of Kindness will bring technologists and relief workers together to develop technologies that enable disaster victims to help themselves and give first responders and aid workers the tools they need to better help victims--to reduce loss of life and to speed recovery.
Over the course of two and a half days, speakers like FEMA Chief Craig Fugate will expound on the mission, subject matter experts will brief self-organized teams on specific problems, a great deal of coffee will be consumed, and code will be written. Teams will have the opportunity to port their solutions down to Camp Roberts near Paso Robles, CA, where it will be tested in field simulations to provide real-time feedback for multiple iteration cycles.
We hope RHoK generates software solutions that help users predict, prevent, and respond to disasters—but, realistically, we know that coding over a single weekend is only a start. That’s why the codejam in November is the first RHoK, but not the last. In and effort to encourage the developer community to adopt disaster response as a mission, we’ll hold a RHoK event every six to twelve months—sharing learnings from actual events, building on ongoing efforts, and collaborating on promising new technologies.
Join us! The codejam will take place from November 12-14 at the Hacker Dojo, located in Mountain View, CA. Invitations to developers will go out shortly, so if you're interested in coding, serving as a subject matter expert, or sponsoring the event, please visit www.randomhacksofkindness.org.